Last night was the annual military ball at the Capitol. I went with Devan and his Dad and brothers. We had lots of fun. First we went out to dinner at P.F. Chang's. We had reservations, but they didn't have a table ready so we still had to wait 30 minutes to be seated so the manager came to our table later and let us know that he would be taking care of the soups and appetizers for everyone. Then when our checks came, we found out that they only took it off of Devan's parents' check. Devan and I had the regular price on ours and his brothers were actually being charged extra! I think the waitress had to take about 3 trips to and from our table with the checks before they finally got it figured out right! It was kind of crazy, but the food was really good and it was a lot of fun. I really do love P.F. Chang's! We finally got out of there and made it to the ball, which was a lot different than I expected. They had a rock band and a swing band there to play the songs, but they only played like two slow songs the whole time we were there! I enjoyed dancing to the other songs as well, but Devan doesn't like to dance much and I guess his family doesn't either cause I was pretty much the only one in our group that danced to the fast songs. Oh well, I still had lots of fun and I would want to go again sometime. Probably not every year, but sometime I would like to go again. Here's some pictures from the ball. We decided to take pictures before the dance so we didn't have to wait in line forever and because its a lot cheaper to take your own. Here they are!