Monday, August 18, 2008

Devan's Birthday

This is the cake Janelle made for his birthday. Devan loves Star Wars and Yoda is his favorite, so he absolutely loved the cake. His birthday was on Friday. He works for the state, so he has Fridays off and I took the day off for his birthday too. We went to see the computer-animated Star Wars movie that just came out. It was pretty good, Devan really liked it. We also rode Trax downtown to get pizza for lunch and then we tried out the swimming pool at our apartments for the first time since we've lived here. It was really nice and we were the only ones in the pool at the time. I got Devan a ClearPlay DVD player for his birthday so he can watch all of his war-related rated R movies, but we tried to watch a movie that night and the DVD player wouldn't work so I had to go exchange it this morning. Hopefully the new one will work. Anyway, school starts on Wednesday. Devan is going to school full-time so he can get done as soon as possible, and I'm auditing a personal finance class with him as well. We decided that would be a good one for both of us to attend, maybe we can learn how to budget better.


Melanie said...

Happy birthday Devan. That cake is awesome. I thought it was a ceramic thing at first. Incredible.

jjertmann said...

Yea cake! Thanks for inviting us over.

Emily said...

Well Happy Birthday Devan! was this a cake you could eat Treasa? Let me guess his head was gluten free and the rest wasn't?